Boniface Consulting has been providing community-based occupational therapy services in the lower mainland since 2000. More than just return to work, occupational therapy helps people return to the activities (occupations) they need and want to do in their daily life. Whether it's getting dressed, taking care of yourself or your family, driving or returning to work, occupational therapy can help you return to your valued daily occupations.
Our therapists are registered with the College of Occupational Therapists of British Columbia and members of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists.
Jeff Boniface, MSc., OT Graduate of McMaster University OT program in 1995.
In 2007, Jeff became a Certified Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP) clinician. He has also been trained as a 3rd Edition PGAP clinician.
Jeff has been providing community-based rehabilitation services in the areas of traumatic brain injury, severe orthopaedic injuries, amputations and spinal cord injuries since 1997. He also supports return to work and life skills programs.
Jeff holds an appointment as Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy (Faculty of Medicine).
Jeff also has a Master of Science from the University of British Columbia.
Giovanna Boniface, MRSc., OT, CCLCP
Graduate of the University of British Columbia OT program in 1997.
In 2007, Giovanna became a Certified Progressive Goal Attainment Program clinician. She has also been trained as a 3rd Edition PGAP clinician.
In 2008, Giovanna received a certificate in Life Care Planning from Kaplan University and is a Canadian Certified Life Care Planner.
Giovanna provides services including medical legal consulting and as an expert witness (cost of future care, life care planning, critiques). She has been certified as an expert witness in the Supreme Court in the areas of occupational therapy and cost of future care.
Giovanna has a Master of Rehabilitation Science, through the department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy and is a clinical assistant professor in the same department.
Occupational Therapy services are provided in the client’s community with the goal of enabling participation in activities related to self care (e.g. personal care, functional mobility, community management), productivity (e.g. paid/unpaid employment, household management, play/school) and leisure (e.g. recreation, socialization).
Injury populations include
Soft tissue injuries
Orthopaedic injuries
Spinal cord injuries
Traumatic brain injury
Mental health issues
Chronic health issues
Services include
Rehabilitation case management
Life Care Plan/Cost of Future Care Assessment
Comprehensive home and worksite assessment
Equipment assessment, prescription and usage training
Support services assessment
Mobility assessment and prescription (wheelchair, scooter)
Customized treatment programs to improve the client’s ability to perform